January-February 2019 NPJ

50 NuclearPlantJournal.com Nuclear Plant Journal, January-February 2019  The AREVA crew time on site was reduced by 48 hrs (remote vs manual): $100ksaved.  48 hours of critical path time was saved (remote vs manual): Based on an average outage cost estimate of $800k/day: $1.6 million saved.  Approximately 720mr in dose savings was realized by reducing the number of people in the reactor building from 4 to 2 (2 people x 24 hrs x 5 days x 3 mr= 720mr. At $25kper REM, $18k was saved. Productivity/Efficiency The new tooling and techniques saved actual data acquisition time result- ing in true critical path savings. In addi- tion, the Dominion/FRAMATOME team realized increased productivity/efficien- Graphic 4. Remote HAWKEYE and SUSI Mockups and SUSI VR. cies relating to analyzing the inspection data. The quality of the encoded data and images available to review allowed the required analysts to quickly interrogate and present the results. This is impor- tant since a structural analysis is typi- cally required for all relevant indications identified. The data analysis results were efficiently transferred to the appropriate engineering organizations for evaluation to support plant startup. Transferability The tool and demonstrated visual techniques can be used to inspect all CE reactor internals. In addition the tooling concepts can be upgraded to support many other PWR and BWR type plants. The same tooling in a similar configuration now supports the required BWR VIP inspections. Contact: Michael Stark, Dominion Energy, telephone: (860) 334-4061, email: Michael.stark@dominionenergy.com . Advanced CE MRP... ( Continued from page 48) Annual Editorial Schedule Nuclear Plant Journal January-February Instrumentation & Control March-April Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors May-June New Plants & Outage Management July-August Vendor Advertorial & Instrumentation and Control September-October Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors November-December Annual Product & Service Directory 2020 Contact: Michelle Gaylord michelle@goinfo.com Telephone: (630) 364-4780 Fax: (630) 852-8787 3051 Oak Grove Road Suite 107 Downers Grove, IL 60515 USA