January-February 2019 NPJ

Nuclear Plant Journal, January-February 2019 NuclearPlantJournal.com 47 mechanism of manipulating cameras on ropes, poles, and other manual systems are no longer adequate. To comply with the new examination criteria requires greater stability, positional accuracy, traceability, repeatability, with less dose and finer image quality than ever before. To cope with these challenges, FRAMATOME has developed various visual platforms and delivery systems to achieve exceptional VT NDE quality. The VT delivery platforms are typically fully automated and remotely controlled and range from a submarine/swimmer type device to Mechanized VT Inspection Systems. This TIP Award nomination presents the success of a First-of-a-Kind (FOAK) examination and automated tooling development. These inspections can drive critical path and are performed on both the ID and OD of the upper and lower internals. The challenges include extremely high dose rates, measurements of tight gaps or flaws, and position verification. To comply with the MRP requirements, the Millstone Power Plant owned and operated by Dominion established a project team with Framatome. The team worked together to develop the tooling and processes to perform the required inspections during Millstone’s Unit 2, 2017 fall outage. The team’s focus was to deliver new remote tooling to not only meet the new requirements, but minimize radiation exposure, minimize impacts to critical path, minimize site support, provide the highest quality exams, and perform all examinations safely. The team chose to develop some new tooling with enhanced quality and stability to meet these new examination requirements. The team also focused on creating tooling that was remotely controlled to perform the examinations faster with less personnel radiation exposure. Therefore, the team chose to deliver the tooling off two different platforms. The EVT-1 inspections were to be performed using HAWKEYE, new tooling delivered off cart-ring-mast technology; and the lower resolutions inspections were performed with SUSI, submarine technology. The HAWKEYE and SUSI tooling were designed to be extremely robust, with a focus on reliability and predictability. Graphic 2 illustrates the HAWKEYE manipulator, which delivered specific high quality cameras to the ID and OD of the core barrel. These tools were manipulated remotely from outside containment. The tools were manipulated circumferentially, vertically, and radially by the cart, trolley, and mast shown. The SUSI sub was also controlled remotely from outside containment for most exams. SUSI’s primary focus was on the upper internals. SUSI is shown in Graphic 3. Innovation The project team overcame the following challenges:  High dose on the ID of the core barrel baffle plates.  Tooling had to remotely measure the tight horizontal gap between the upper and lower baffle plate Graphic 2. HAWKEYE Manipulator Components. (Continued on page 48)