July-August 2018 NPJ
Nuclear Plant Journal, July-August 2018 NuclearPlantJournal.com 45 Annual Editorial Schedule Nuclear Plant Journal January-February Instrumentation & Control March-April Plant Maintenance & Plant Life Extension May-June Outage Mgmt. & Health Physics July-August New Plants & Vendor Advertorial September-October Plant Maintenance & Advanced Reactors November-December Annual Product & Service Directory 2019 Contact: Michelle Gaylord 3051 Oak Grove Road Suite 107 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Email: michelle@goinfo.com telephone: (630) 364-4780 Building the Future of Nuclear Energy Discover more at bechtel.com Building the Future of Nuclear Energy Bechtel’s commercial nuclear power business is a global leader, serving owners and utilities in the licensing, design, procurement, and construction of nuclear power plants. From new build to plant completion and recovery, RU H[LVWLQJ IDFLOLWLHV PRGL¿FDWLRQV to advanced reactor technology development, Bechtel has the breadth of knowledge to lead a wide range of nuclear projects. Bechtel has been an integral partner to the nuclear power industry since its inception, and remains at the forefront by providing a range of services and technical expertise that no other contractor can match. With decades of additional experience in the government sector, performing nuclear security, production, laboratory, cleanup, and naval nuclear propulsion work, Bechtel is an industry-leading organization with capabilities across the lifecycle of facilities and sites. We provide customers the expertise and capabilities of over 5,100 professionals, including 150 internationally recognized technical specialists, 100 nuclear specialists, 11 Bechtel Distinguished Engineers and Scientists, and 9 Bechtel Fellows who are nationally or internationally known LQ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH ¿HOGV RI VHLVPRORJ\ civil/ structural design, water use, meteorology, hydrology, soil structure interaction, metallurgy, and hydraulics. With this much know-how, Bechtel KDV WKH DELOLW\ WR GHOLYHU ¿UVW RI D NLQG solutions for any nuclear technology. Bechtel is leading the way in constructing tomorrow’s nuclear power solutions by supporting a number of new build activities, such as front-end engineering and design (FEED) development for Horizon Wylfa Newydd and construction completion for Vogtle 3&4. Additionally, we have been selected to perform innovation research for small modular nuclear plant projects by the U.S. Department of Energy. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
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