September-October 2017 NPJ

38 Nuclear Plant Journal, September-October 2017 SMRs Development... ( Continued from page 37) The IAEA General Conference resolution GC(57)/RES/12/Tab B.2 of September 2013 encourages the Secretariat to:  Continue taking appropriate measures to assist Member States, particularly embarking countries, engaged in the process of preparatory actions with regard to demonstration projects, and encouraging the development of safe, secure, economically viable SMRs with enhanced proliferation resistance;  Continue to promote effective inter- national exchange of information on options as regards to SMRs avail- able internationally for deployment and on topics such as roadmaps for technology development, require- ments for countries embarking on new nuclear power programmes, regulatory infrastructure, operational performance, maintainability, safety and security, waste management, constructability, economics, prolif- eration resistance and the state of de- velopment of innovative SMRs, by organizing technical meetings and workshops, as appropriate, and to produce relevant status and technical reports  Continue working on defining indicators of safety performance, operability, maintainability and constructability so as to assist countries in assessing advanced SMR technologies, and developing guidance for SMR technology implementation, and looks forward to upcoming reports on enhancing energy supply security and approaches to environmental impact assessment;  Foster collaboration among interested Member States with the objective of facilitating the licensing of SMRs and assist capacity building in embarking countries as regards to SMR technology assessment;  Continue the activities of the Regular Budget project ‘Common Technologies and Issues for SMRs’ on both the development of key enabling technologies and the resolution of key infrastructure issues for innovative SMRs of various types, which is complementary to INPRO. To learn more about the status and near term prospects of SMRs, please download the newly published booklet ‘Advances in SMR Technology Development 2014’. https://www.iaea. org/NuclearPower/Downloadable/SMR/ files/5_SMRs_under_construction.pdf Nuclear Plant Journal’s note: Efforts are being made to have this IAEA 2014 report updated to include Terra Power, USA’s Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR; Rolls-Royce, UK’s SMR; URENCO, UK’s U-Battery and SMRs from other countries to bring the report current.