ND15-NPJ - page 102

Product & Service Directory–2016
Powering Lives...
Grand Gulf presents $5,000 check in support of ASU’s Saturday
Science Academy
educational opportunities to students is
just one of the ways Entergy gives back
to the community and opens the door of
possibility to potential nuclear engineers
and technicians, Kevin Mulligan, Grand
Gulf site vice president said. “This event
gave us the opportunity to not only
showcase the outstanding work of our
employees and educate our future leaders,
it also served as a reminder to take pride
in what we do – we power life.”
Students participated in interactive
breakout sessions focusing on the
important aspects of operating a nuclear
power plant. They also learned about
exciting career opportunities within the
nuclear industry.
GGNS Internships
By attending several college career
fairs, conducting informational sessions
at various educational institutions and
hosting station tours at the plant, GGNS
has utilized community relations as a
strategy to assist in its recruiting efforts.
GrandGulf has partneredwithuniversities
in the surrounding area ---Alcorn State
University (ASU) and Texas A&M
University to help fill job openings for
radiation protection technicians. Interns
recruited from Texas A&M University
and Alcorn State University have also
been instrumental in navigating P.A.G.E
(Protecting All Grand Gulf Employees)
and exploring its capabilities. GGNS
newest family member, P.A.G.E., is a
robot tasked with entering high radiation
areas to prevent high levels of exposure
among employees.
The majority of the current radiation
protection technicians at GGNS were
hired through its internship program and
continued support is given to employees
throughout their career at GGNS by
encouraging them to seek out advanced
degrees and certifications with various
industry-approved programs.
Grand Gulf has supported the
radiation technology program at Alcorn
State University for several years through
monetary grants and internships. ASU’s
instructor of advanced technologies
and radiation technology, Jeremiah
Billa said, “This partnership has helped
to attract local students into nuclear
programs and has resulted in providing
jobs to Mississippi residents. The
Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the
professional association, Health Physics
Society, have recognized ASU-Entergy
collaboration as one of the best models
in the country because a lot of students
are attracted to this program and have
sustainedacareer in thenuclearworkforce.
As of today, more than 20 students have
secured internships at GrandGulf nuclear
station and we have seven students who
have graduated from this program that
have ended up working for Entergy. We
alsohave 10other studentswhograduated
through this program and are working in
the nuclear industry.”
The internships efforts of GGNS can
also be observed through our engineering,
chemistry, and operations departments.
These departments have also sought
out partnerships with local educational
institutions to help fill their staffing needs
and generate interest among students in
future STEM careers.
“Grand Gulf is proud to be a good
neighbor inour communityandstate,” said
KevinMulligan, sitevicepresident,Grand
Gulf. “AtEntergy,weknowour employees
are our greatest asset -- we live, work and
raiseour families here.Aswe celebrateour
30th anniversary, we will stay committed
to high standards in everything we do, in
our work and in our communities. Grand
Gulf is the world’s biggest, and we aim
to be the world’s best.”
“We Power Life”
GGNS is dedicated to supporting the
local communities it serves. On average,
Grand Gulf contributes $20 million in
annual taxrevenues to localmunicipalities,
the stategeneral fundand the45counties to
which it supplies power. Each year, more
than$9million is spentwith local and state
companies topurchasematerials, services
and fuel. In addition, Grand Gulf partners
with Entergy Mississippi to support local
initiatives throughcharitablecontributions
process, donating $968,720 to improve
local communities over the past decade.
Our vision is to consistently deliver
excellent performance and generate
electricity in a safe, reliable, and cost-
effect manner. In order to accomplish
our goals we focus on four key areas
--operational excellence, organizational
effectiveness, generation reliability, and
business performance. It’s the people we
recruit, develop and engage that will help
drive our pursuit to excellence. It’s our
people that helps Grand Gulf believe that
we will be “the world’s biggest, world’s
best” nuclear station because we realize
that we have a very important task…each
and every day “we power life.”
Nuclear Station, telephone (601) 437.6393,
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