May-June 2019 NPJ

Nuclear Plant Journal, May-June 2019 39 technologies. This process differs from traditional methods of vendor driven procurement and allows for faster prototypes, nearly instantaneous design verification, and even finished products that are ready for installation. These 3D printed products are created at a fraction of the costs/time associated with traditional reverse engineering methods. The use of these technologies allows any procurement organization to face the challenge of procuring obsolete parts head-on, using a method that replicates the product’s original design criteria while allowing for rapid physical proof of concept. Preserving and Advocating for Nuclear Power Award Type: NEI TIP Award. Company: Exelon Generation. With FitzPatrick and Ginna at risk of closure, the New York nuclear workforce :RUOG /HDGHU LQ &OHDQ $LU 6ROXWLRQV 3URGXFWV WR +HOS <RX 0HHW WKH ,QFUHDVLQJ 'HPDQG IRU 6DIH &OHDQ 'HSHQGDEOH (QHUJ\ ZZZ DDILQWO FRP QXFOHDU#DDILQWO FRP $$) ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Š D ZRUOG OHDGHU LQ FOHDQ DLU VROXWLRQV ZDV WKHUH ZLWK WKH ULJKW SURGXFWV ZKHQ WKH QXFOHDU LQGXVWU\ ILUVW EHJDQ DQG FRQWLQXHV WR SURYLGH SURGXFWV WR KHOS \RX PHHW WKH FRQWLQXLQJ GHPDQG IRU TXDOLILHG DQG GHSHQGDEOH VROXWLRQV WR VXSSRUW RSHUDWLQJ OLFHQVH UHQHZDOV SRZHU XSUDWHV DQG QHZ FRQVWUXFWLRQ ‡ &RQWDLQPHQW )LOWHU +RXVLQJV %DJ ,Q %DJ 2XW :DON ,Q ‡ 5HWURILW +9$& 6ROXWLRQV ‡ +(3$ )LOWHUV ‡ &DUERQ $GVRUEHUV ‡ )LOWHU 0HGLD ‡ $LU +DQGOLQJ 8QLWV ‡ 'XFWZRUN ‡ (OHFWULF 6WHDP +HDWHUV ‡ )DQV 'DPSHUV ‡ 0RWRUV ‡ $6+5$( )LOWHUV ‡ &RQWDLQPHQW &RROHUV ‡ &RPPHUFLDO *UDGH 'HGLFDWLRQ 6HUYLFHV stepped up to publicly and proudly advocate for clean energy policies. That was the beginning of two extraordinary opportunities: integrating and improving FitzPatrick station; and harnessing the power of employee advocacy, giving Exelon nuclear employees the resources needed to spread the word on the benefits of nuclear. FitzPatrick required 200 new hires, 250 improvement projects, 8,924 transition tasks, and an expedited integration. Only eight months after its formation, Generation Nation had 5,000+ employee members contributing to public advocacy, education and outreach.